
You can combine Special Rockets, Bombs and Chilis for more powerful effects. If two or more Specials are touching, they will automatically be combined when tapped on.


Rocket + Rocket

Combining two Rockets blasts an entire row and column from the tapped tile's location.


Rocket + Bomb

Combining a Rocket and Bomb blasts three rows and columns from the tapped tile's location.


Rocket + Chili

Combining a Rocket and Chili changes all Cubes of the Chili's colour into Rockets and detonates them.

Bomb + Bomb

Combining two Bombs creates and detonates a large Bomb that blasts everything within a 7x7 radius.

Bomb + Chili

Combining a Bomb and Chili changes all Cubes of the Chili's colour into Bombs and detonates them.

Chili + Chili

Combining two Chilis blast the entire board.